2011년 3월 12일 토요일

dieter rams exhibition

concept : less and more  by dieter rams  (1932~   ) 

now a special exhibition is taking  place in Daelimmuseum.

of course i already went there to see remarkable designed thing .

i saw some well-rounded stuff from dieter rams , industrial designer .  

Dieter rams have collaborated with braun several times  to design radio , televison , electric razor 

as you see in my undated picture.  

here is golden saying he said  " good design is unobstructive . 

i actually felt that point from this exhibition . i can easily get my concentration to everything 

because their design is to be minimized and contracted . 

just take a look at the pictures maybe you will find what i say . 

In pictures below,  you can see the change of design on braun electric razor according to time. 




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