2011년 12월 10일 토요일

Togui-dong "BOAN INN"

I went to the ancient exhibition called "BOAN INN".
It was built in 1930 and used to be a place for some famous korean wirtter to relax and to write their works. 
Amazingly it have been conserved until now then it has been reused as a gallery. 
I could find the very special mood here.   

located in jongro-gu, Togui-dong
written by jjongs (jongmin.won)
email : wonjjong@me.com

2011년 11월 16일 수요일

1970's south korea

The special exhibition was hosted in kyunghee university on november 14 to 15 Eckart Dege (geographer from 1974 to 1976 in s.korea) has taken all pictures to show how s.korean lived their life and he just wanted to record real life on his pictures.  
But unfortunately, i was very busy at the time so i didn't go there. 
I am sure that i have never seen like these pictures before. 
I am so grateful to share some stories with you. 

written by jongmin.won 
photo from Eckart Dege

mail address : wonjjong@me.com    

2011년 11월 12일 토요일

United BamBoo, EudonChoi, Rad Hourani from seoul collection

  United BamBoo - ( Thuy Pham )

 Rad Hourani - ( Rad Hourani ) 

EudonChoi - ( EudonChoi ) 

photos from daily projects
places in seoul collection  

2011년 10월 24일 월요일

Daily project - sunday flea market

This is a fleamarket ran by daily project.
I worked in this flea market last sunday as a intern.
I felt the great atmosphere and peace.

place in hak-dong intersection.
photo by jongmin.won

2011년 10월 23일 일요일

capturing the moment

I saw this photo from the never blog.
This is amazing moment and combination.

photo taken from blog.naver.com/minsgbs
place : sinsuldong station in s.korea 

2011년 10월 7일 금요일

what a great meeting!

                  Sometimes, i have dreamed of meeting tyler brule (chief direct of monocle and wallpaper) 
because he is my role-model. But it came true two days ago.
i did't have any direct conversation though, i was so happy with that. 
photo was taken in man on the boon of sinsegae department store on Gangnam express bus terminal. 
if you are interested in fashion when you visit s.korea. i absolutely recommend this shop. 

photo by jjongs 
written by jjongs 

2011년 10월 2일 일요일

outside fitting room

outside fitting room

place in dongmyo
photo by jjongs
blog : blog.naver.com/alainmikle

2011년 10월 1일 토요일

2011년 9월 24일 토요일

2011년 4월 29일 금요일

2011년 3월 19일 토요일

apartamento magazine

font is lovely . 


this magazine has great contents to show what kinds of place people live and work. 

how people have relationships with their places . 

actually , the place that people live is very important in everyone cuz it is a part of people's life. 

It frankly shows people's personality . 

if you want to learn about a variety of life then i recommend this magazine 

official website   : www.apartamento.com 

headoffice   :  at italy and spain 

go there to get some information . 

written by jongmin won 

contact : wonjjong@gmail.com 

twitter : @wonjjongmin    

2011년 3월 18일 금요일

undeveloped village in seoul

This is undeveloped village . 

As you see , there is rampart .

 You would see korea traditional typed roof. 

I like that background. 

place : sungbuk-gu in 

photograph by wonjongmin

2011년 3월 12일 토요일

dieter rams exhibition

concept : less and more  by dieter rams  (1932~   ) 

now a special exhibition is taking  place in Daelimmuseum.

of course i already went there to see remarkable designed thing .

i saw some well-rounded stuff from dieter rams , industrial designer .  

Dieter rams have collaborated with braun several times  to design radio , televison , electric razor 

as you see in my undated picture.  

here is golden saying he said  " good design is unobstructive . 

i actually felt that point from this exhibition . i can easily get my concentration to everything 

because their design is to be minimized and contracted . 

just take a look at the pictures maybe you will find what i say . 

In pictures below,  you can see the change of design on braun electric razor according to time. 




2011년 3월 4일 금요일

the bling magazine .

by bling :

actually one month ago , bling was free magazine so everyone love to read this book to get information.

but now it's totally changed and name was also change to "by bling" . 

if you want to know korea club culture , i am sure this is great magazine for you. 

this contains a lot of contents like club , fashion , hot people , attractive places . 

they guide you where you should go before going back to your country. 

so i absolutely recommend this . 

spectrum : 

this is a reason i bought this issue. because i want to see some special articles .

it is the independent volume from "by bling" , call spectrum edited by suk woo hong .

this also contains well-written articles. 

the subject of first issue is all about smart phone , tablet pc and social network service. 

anyway if you read bling magazine , you can find lots of informative things . 

you also access more detail information from www.thebling.co.kr .

www.youweresleeping.com is another helpful place for clubber to see korea club scene. 

address : wonjjong@gmail.com 

2011년 3월 2일 수요일

the phone booth for korean in subway station.

 this is phone booth for the emergency situation like fire. 

 It also treats event like people suddenly dropping on street.
       Anyway what i want to do is  to show the design of that phone . 

        how about color and its shape , isn't it great ?  

        i will try to show many thing about korea . this is one of my starting point. 

        thank you . 


        written by wonjongmin 

        address :  wonjjong@gmail.com 



2011년 2월 28일 월요일

the presentation from bonho and partner

2월 28일날 중구 소공동에서 있었던 구본호 (한국가방디자이너) 님의 프레젠테이션에 


주로 포트포리오와 크로스백을 위주로 디자인을 하고 계신데요. 

모든 작품들이 핸드메이드이기에 더욱 끌렸던것 같습니다. 

이러한 개인 디자이너 분들이 많아 진다는것에 괜한 흥분이 되기도 했었습니다. 

너무 많은 것을 배운 하루였습니다. 

ps : 

첫번째 포스팅이네요. 블로그 방문에 너무 많은 감사드립니다. 

앞으로 하나하나 착실히 글을 모아 나가려고 합니다. 

많은 관심부탁드립니다. 

(english version)

this is the presentation by ku-bon-ho, korean bag designer .

It took place in seoul, jonggu , sogongdong on february , 28 .

he mainly designs and makes portfolio , cross bag and so on as you see my pictures.

he does every works  by his hands so every results are hand-made things .

i especially received great impression from his embroidery.

when i saw his things at the first time , i feel like magic .

ps :

thank you for coming my blog and i hope you to continue reading my stories.

i am excited about my first post and i will try to make many contents for every one.

this blog is all about korea .

written by won jong min

address :  wonjjong@gmail.com

blog :  blog.naver.com/alainmikle